COVID-19 Grants: St. Stephen's House of London

COVID-19 Grants: St. Stephen’s House of London

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St. Stephen’s House of London has been operating long-term recovery homes for individuals suffering from addictions in London & Middlesex County for almost 40 years. Founded in 1983 by Sister St. Patrick with the Sisters of St. Joseph, the organization continues to live by the philosophy of their founder – everyone deserves a safe place to live. On February 1, 2020 after a year of renovations, the organization opened their second home, the first of its kind in London for women.

Soon after opening, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant and immediate impact on the new home.

St. Stephen’s House was forced to cancel all 2020 fundraisers, including a golf tournament that alone was expected to raise $12,000. It has also become next to impossible for staff and volunteers to ensure their houses are following all public health measures as visitors are no longer allowed. In addition, residents cannot access vital outside supports and 12-step programs and have been forced to find online workarounds and alternatives.

Despite the financial hardship, St. Stephen’s House still decided to accept a new resident placed in a tough situation as a direct result of COVID-19, truly honouring the selfless and caring spirit of their founder.

“On March 9, 2020 one of our residents went to House of Sophrosyne in Windsor, Ontario for trauma treatment. One week later it closed due to COVID-19,” recounted Val Wootton, Director of the new women’s house. “The resident called to tell us she was coming home and that there was a woman there who had nowhere to go. We acquired another woman, giving her a safe home. She is now two months sober.”

Thanks to a $15,000 grant from the LCF COVID-19 Response Fund, the organization will be able to complete emergency renovations on the house’s second bathroom, allowing the residents to better follow recommended social distancing and isolation practices.

“The bathroom was an unexpected urgent problem and this funding will allow us to meet ongoing financial obligations,” says Val. “The LCF COVID-19 Response Fund is a ray of sunshine to St. Stephen’s House, giving us hope that all will be okay and faith that what is needed will be provided.”

Because of the pandemic, St. Stephen’s House cannot accept any physical assistance. They are accepting monetary donations to help manage ongoing monthly expenses and hand sanitizer, masks and cleaning supplies to keep their residents safe and healthy. If you would like to contribute, please contact Val Wootton at 519-858-5471 or Kevin Daly at 519-673-3692.

“We believe the most important way we can help the most vulnerable is to provide housing and basic needs,” says Val. “Giving people a safe and supportive place to lay their head is the first and most vital step towards recovery. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we can continue providing this support.”