LCF COVID-19 Response Fund May and June Grants Announced


LCF COVID-19 Response Fund May and June Grants Announced


Although we are inching closer to the end of the pandemic in Ontario, many organizations in our community still need support to continue operating and evolving to serve their clients.

London Community Foundation is happy to announce its latest round of LCF COVID-19 Response Fund grants from May and June. These grants went to a wide variety of organizations affected by the pandemic, for a host of different needs – all in support of some of our community’s most vulnerable members.

Camp Ooch & Camp Trillium $20,000

For program delivery, staffing, evaluation management, program supplies and consumables. They will continue to adapt, innovate and deliver their essential London In-Hospital and modified Community camp-programs that support the most vulnerable kids with cancer and their families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Children’s Health Foundation $60,000

Towards the purchase of a “ROSA ONE Brain” Robotic Arm at the Children’s Hospital. The University Hospital campus of the London Health Sciences Centre has a robotic arm that enables surgeons, including paediatric surgeons, to pinpoint the location of seizures and remove the part of brain causing the problem. The Children’s Hospital was sharing the use of the robotic arm and operating room time with the adult epilepsy program at University Hospital. As a result of COVID-19, only emergency surgery is being done at University Hospital, leaving paediatric surgeons with no access to these vital robotics, resulted in a waiting list of 45 children – a number that will continue to grow.

Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre $7,000

To increase capacity and functionality of the Emergency Food Cupboard serving residents experiencing poverty in the Hamilton Road Neighbourhood. COVID-19 has resulted in both the increased need for food and improvements in distribution.

Daya Counselling Centre $20,000

To assist with wages related to domestic violence survivor counselling.

Mnaasged Child and Family Services $23,000

For additional costs due to COVID-19 restrictions to host a Symposium called “Standing Together” to discuss the impacts of trauma and addictions prevalent in Southwestern Ontario Indigenous communities. It will bring together seven of the First Nation communities, all urban agencies, on-the-ground workers, victims groups, Elders, and traditional societies – essentially any and all who have been working in, and are impacted by trauma and addictions – to have an assembled community voice, a place and time to discuss, collaborate, and coordinate services and programs.

Muslim Resource Centre for Social Support & Integration $23,712

For a Youth Program Facilitator and Peer Honoraria in support of the Hyati (My Life): Community Engagement & Empowerment Strategies with Newcomer Women & Girls program. The increased pressures brought on by COVID-19 has strained the resources of all the agencies that provide services related to domestic violence and the threats posed by isolation. The Muslim Resource Centre provides services in a culturally appropriate manner.

PHSS – London & Area $50,000

For the purchase of 25 laptops and appropriate accessories for the people PHSS supports to enhance engagement with family and friends, communication solutions, participation in community activities, and access to all the virtual world has to offer, such as online art galleries and experiences.

Quest Centre (sponsored by Quad County Support Services) $30,000

For short-term operational funding (majority for staff wages, other miscellaneous expenses include - communications, computers, supplies, professional fees, insurance, web maintenance). The Quest Centre has been operating since last fall providing services and support in the Glencoe community and surrounding rural areas, facilitating COVID-19 testing and vaccination bookings and rides. When not in lockdown, the Centre can have 4-5 people accessing services and support related to a wide variety of familial issues.

YFC London $20,000

For their Hub Harvest Meal Program, a free, 8 week-long meal box program where once a week, participating families with youth between the ages of 10-18 pick up a meal box with two recipes and the necessary ingredients to cook them at home.

YMCA of Southwestern Ontario $52,950

For its Digital Solutions and Community Engagement Program. The YMCA of Southwestern Ontario will work with local technological partners to analyze, develop, and promote more user-focused redesign of its system to meet the needs of the community during COVID-19 and beyond.

For a comprehensive list of all LCF COVID-19 Response Fund grants and donors, and to learn more, visit

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